Blockchain law passed in San Marino contains some interesting aspects

  On June 6, 2019, the Republic of San Marino approved the Blockchain Decree of the Republic of San Marino (Delegate Decree n. 86, dated May 23, 2019). No official press statement has been released yet, but this source revealed the news. The Blockchain Decree provides a regulatory framework formulating specific rules for two different applications of Distributed Register Technology (Distributed Ledger Technology or – more commonly – Blockchain): investment tokens (digital Read more [...]

Italian law defines blockchain and smart contracts

On February 12, 2019, Law no. 12/2019, converting into law the so called Decreto Semplificazioni (“Simplification Decree”), Legislative Decree No. 135/2018 was published on the Italian Official Gazette no. 36/2019. Among other provisions, the Simplification Decree defines the concept of "technologies based on distributed ledgers (blockchain)" and "smart contracts". "Technologies based on distributed ledgers" are technologies and IT protocols using a shared, distributed, replicable Read more [...]

A county in Nevada has started to use blockchain to provide marriage certificates

Washoe County, Reno, in the State of Nevada, uses Ethereum blockchain to provide immutable digital record of wedding certificates. The service allows certified copies of marriage certificates to be emailed. It requires no special technology besides the ability to view a plain PDF. The U.S. County uses the services of a company called TitanSeal. At you may find a complete explanation of the service.   For more information and assistance on privacy, data Read more [...]

CNIL publishes interesting analysis of blockchain in light of the GDPR

In September 2018, the French Data Protection Agency, the Commission Nationale de l’informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) published a report explaining how Blockchain relates to the GDPR ("Report"). In particular the Report highlights the following. WHO IS THE CONTROLLER IN A BLOCKCHAIN TRANSACTION. Users of the web who decide to submit a transaction to the validation of miners are data controllers as defined under Article 4, GDPR, since they determine the purposes (such as the objectives Read more [...]

Interesting solutions for dispute resolution in the Blockchain era

Do the benefits of smart contracts overwrite their downfalls? While smart contracts bring a lot of benefits, allowing for a quick execution once a certain condition takes place, a lot of value can get lost in these transactions. For example, it is estimated that in 2017, over $1B in value was lost with smart contracts due to bugs allowing hackers to get a hold of millions of dollars. See here. What is currently being done to solve the disputes arising around these losses? A number of projects Read more [...]