EU Commission’s ePrivacy Regulation Proposal to align electronic communications privacy to GDPR

On January 10, 2017, the European Commission issued a draft for a new ePrivacy Regulation (“Proposal”) that would replace Directive 2002/58/EC (‘the ePrivacy Directive’), implementing a higher level of privacy for all electronic communications. Scope of application: The Proposal applies to all electronic communication providers – including EU institutions – and aim at aligning the existing rules, which date back to 2002, with the newer data protection framework set out by Read more [...]

Windows 10 e privacy: dubbi del CNIL

Il 20 luglio 2016, l'agenzia il Garante Privacy francese (CNIL) ha inviato una lettera a Microsoft con la quale richiedeva alla società di correggere alcune presunte violazioni nella raccolta di dati personali e nel monitoraggio degli utenti di Windows 10. Considerando la gravità delle problematiche rilevate ed il numero degli utenti toccati (più di dieci milioni di utenti di Windows 10 in Francia), il CNIL ha diffidato la società ad adempiere, evidenziando i cinque principali problemi di protezione Read more [...]

Transmission of Information Cloud Computing & Outsourcing E-Discovery & Other Issues in Litigation Advertising & Marketing Social Networks Privacy International No jurisdiction over Facebook Ireland, Belgian Court of Appeal holds

On June 29, 2016, the Belgian Court of Appeal overturned the Brussels Court of First Instance's decision against Facebook. The Brussels Court of First Instance had found Facebook liable for violation of Belgian privacy law for using cookies to track users who did not consent to the processing of their personal data and non users. Facebook was fined € 250,000 per day until compliance. More information is available here. The decision was based on Belgian privacy law and it was effective Read more [...]